balance of international payments

英 [ˈbæləns ɒv ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl ˈpeɪmənts] 美 [ˈbæləns əv ˌɪntərˈnæʃnəl ˈpeɪmənts]

网络  国际收支平衡; 国际收支; 国际收支平衡表



  1. We will continue to make every effort to promote basic equilibrium in our balance of international payments.
  2. This paper is delivered in four sections dealing respectively with educations relationship with employment, balance of international payments, income distribution, and fiscal balance, so as to illustrate educations role in guaranteeing economic stability and sustained growth.
  3. In other words, my previous speech was about economic growth per se, whereas this paper is a study of employment, balance of international payments, income distribution, financial balance and other issues occurring in the process of stabilizing and sustaining economic growth.
  4. The state may restrict international trade in services in order to safeguard the national security or public interest, to protect the ecological environment, to establish or accelerate the establishment of a particular domestic service industry, to maintain the state's balance of international payments.
  5. Economists also said the country should further relax controls on capital outflow, in order to create a better balance of international payments.
  6. Last year, China's balance of international payments remained sound and foreign exchange reserves grew considerably.
  7. In order to maintain the state's balance of international payments;
  8. Whether or not the RMB will be devalued depends on the international economic situation and China's balance of international payments.
  9. In addition, national income, international trade theory and commercial policies, foreign exchange markets, and the balance of international payments will be treated briefly.
  10. How do we group the international transactions in the balance of international payments statements?
  11. We must stimulate economic growth, create more jobs, stabilize prices and maintain balance of international payments as the main macroeconomic control objectives.
  12. Statements of balance of international payments usually present three kinds of transactions: Current Account, Capital Account and Balancing Account.
  13. Balance of International Payments
  14. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of FDI on China's balance of international payments.
  15. The author analyses how devaluation improves the balance of international payments of forest industrial product through Marshall-Lerner Condition and J-Curve Effect.
  16. Model of Exchange Rate Mechanism Based on the Balance of International Payments
  17. Inflation and Adjustment to Balance of international Payments
  18. National economic equilibrium of inside and outside refers to how to deal with the relationship between economic growth and balance of international payments.
  19. Theoretical study on the international balance of payments began very early, and formed a series of well-known theory, but those studies are mainly in developed countries, focusing on how to adjust the overall balance of international payments.
  20. Healing countermeasures: the tightening of monetary and fiscal policies; to increase effective supply; balance of international payments, and so on.
  21. Socio-economic value of vacation sports including: increased foreign exchange earnings, balance of international payments; help to adjust the consumption structure, promote economic development; to promote western region economic development; promote human capital appreciation.
  22. Foreign exchange reserve subject to the governments particularly, sufficient foreign exchange reserve not only directly affects the stability of the exchange rate and the ability to regulate the balance of international payments, but also indirectly affects the financial security of the national and international economic credibility.
  23. The play of the macro-control functions can achieve a stable price level 、 full employment 、 maintain a general equilibrium of aggregate supply and aggregate demand 、 smooth the volatility of economic development and maintain the balance of international payments in the macroeconomic.
  24. The four major goals of the macro economic are economic growth, full employment, low inflation, balance of international payments.
  25. In economics, full employment, price stability, economic growth and balance of international payments are the four macroeconomic objectives. The employment question is related to personal survival, in the first place.
  26. At present, the monetary policy implementing in most countries of the world holds price stability, full employment, promote economic growth and balance of international payments as the goal, without giving too much attention to the stock market.
  27. Adequate foreign exchange reserves can meet the national government need to regulate the balance of international payments, and pay external debt.
  28. With the growth of China economic, there has been consecutive double surplus in balance of international payments in China, which resulted in more foreign exchange reserve.



  1. a system of recording all of a country's economic transactions with the rest of the world over a period of one year
    1. a favorable balance of payments exists when more payments are coming in than going out

    Synonym:    balance of payments